Personal TuneUp with Cath

| August 2, 2015 | 0 Comments

The Return to Mellow

I’m with you. I want things how I want them. But if I demand things to be how I want them, there’s the problem; I create my own sense of uneasiness.

August 2015  ART Human TuneUp Column by Cath

Here’s how this happens:

? I demand that you behave in a certain way (drive a certain way,
dress a certain way, get to places on time, etc.) and then when you don’t, I get upset.
? I demand. Then you don’t. Then I get upset.
? I demand. Then you don’t. Then I get upset.

Can you see the hamster going around in circles?
How to exit from this human-hamster circle of upsets?

Simply release your demands and replace them with preferences.

? I prefer you drive a certain way, but I no longer demand it and choose not to lose my peace of mind over how you drive, or don’t.
? I prefer you dress a certain way, but I no longer demand it. I am not in charge of how you dress.
? I prefer you get to places on time, but I no longer demand it. From now on, I’ll wait for fifteen minutes and then make other plans.

Benefits: When you live your life with preferences, you have fewer buttons for people to push; you are more mellow.

Where and when you can, live life with preferences and not demands. Chill, flow; take it easy and good luck in the world. Truly.

Cath DeStefano, CEO, Speaker, Author, Fun Workshop Leader


Category: Life Style

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