Robert Cardoza Live Takes Number 1 Spot on KCAA 1050 AM

| September 7, 2012 | Comment Now!

Inland Empire, CA -(Press Release) Robert Cardoza Live: Politics, Money and You, a five-day-per-week drive-time radio talk show, has taken the top spot on Inland Empire radio station KCAA 1050 AM. Cardoza’s program looks at business and politics from a neutral perspective. Instead of taking an extreme far right or left stance, Robert decided a long time ago to give his opinions based on the facts. The audience has reacted in kind by making Robert Cardoza Live the Number 1 listened to show on KCAA even against nationally syndicated radio personality Don Imus.

“Taking the Number 1 spot is huge surprise. Now that it’s a reality we are inspired to take the show to the next level.” – Robert Cardoza, MBA PhD

Unlike many pundits and talk show hosts, Cardoza brings the “chops” to discussions of the economy and politics. In addition to Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees from Cal State Fullerton, Cardoza earned a Ph.D. in International Finance from the London Institute of Technology. He went on to spend 16 years at Revlon Corporation, ultimately becoming Executive Vice President in charge of Sales and Marketing for all of the company’s North America divisions.

In 1982 Cardoza founded Robert Cardoza & Associates, a consulting firm specializing in Business, Financial, Estate and Tax Planning for medium and small business and business professionals. The company grew from its small beginnings and now offers a full range of services to clients. Cardoza also shares his knowledge and insights through his blog and podcasts at

KCAA is a 1400 watt AM radio station based in Loma Linda, Calif., with business offices in San Bernardino, Calif. The station has a primary daytime service population of 6.5 million and a secondary service population of over 15 million. It is part of the Riverside/San Bernardino broadcast market and can be heard on the air in Riverside, San Bernardino and Orange Counties. KCAA also broadcasts over the Internet at The station serves an estimated 100,000 weekly radio listeners and nearly 278,000 weekly Internet listeners.

Category: Press Release

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VP of Media- David Kamatoy has been blogging since 2005. Growing up in traditional media and entertainment he has been an early adopter of new media. Producing nationally syndicated radio/tv for the last few years he is working new programing local and national with KZTC-7. David Kamatoy is also known as professional juggler/comedian, musician and media personality. David's involvement in Presidio Sentinel is to help integrate the traditional print publication with the new media including video, blogging, twitter, podcasting, etc.