Update on Proposed Kettner and Vine Mega Shelter for the Homeless

By Paul Krueger / Previously published in the OB Rag The future of Mayor Todd Gloria’s proposed 1,000 homeless shelter won’t be known until the City Council returns from its summer break and resumes meeting in September. But there are rumblings at City Hall that the mayor has — or will — abandon his controversial “mega-shelter,” […]
Thanks to Our City Officials Chaos is the New Norm

If I was a current official (elected and chosen) for the City of San Diego, I would be truly embarrassed with the way the public at large, their constituents, are being treated and feel about their failures. Every day we see more chaos and failures happening around us, all because of the agendas of the […]
A Strong-Arm Mayor Who Works Against the Public at Large

By John Brady/Lived Advisors What happened the evening of Monday, August 22 at City Council is the outcome of the “Strong Arm Mayor” form of government. This got us the skydiving center, 101 Ash Street and looks to add the Kettner and Vine Street debacle as well. Any rational person would look at the […]
No On Kettner and Vine

No on Kettner and Vine wishes to issue the following statement regarding the Monday, July 22 City Council meeting and Kettner and Vine proposed lease agreement. We appreciate the no votes of council members Kent Lee and Vivian Moreno and appreciate the significant concerns voiced by council members Marni von Wilpert, Henry L. Foster III, […]
Four Closed Door Sessions for the 1,000 Person Homeless Facility and Still No Community Input

Todd Gloria, the current mayor of San Diego has gone on record during a recent interview with the “Voice of San Diego” that there is no reason for community input on a 1,000-person homeless facility to serve a very diverse population with numerous mental health, physical and personal challenges. Obviously, he believes he doesn’t need […]
Freedom to Express Himself

I’ve met and interviewed a lot of people during my career and every person provides a unique story. Yet, few are as touching as Dysen White, a 20-year-old who is on a very special artistic journey. His art, which he refers to as “an expression of his freedom,” really does have an impact on you […]