Kettner and Vine is a Bad Deal

| November 3, 2024 | Comment Now!

By Steven J. Walter

Mayor Gloria’s proposed 1000 bed “Kettner and Vine” homeless shelter is a bad idea for all tax paying San Diegans.  Something needs to be done to end the homeless crisis, but this isn’t it. 

When Mayor Gloria sprung the Kettner and Vine Shelter idea in early April, it seemed like it was already a done deal, yet none of the taxpaying public had ever heard of it.  Community input was never sought prior to the mayor’s announcement.  Surprisingly, some City Councilmembers were also hearing about the proposal for the first time.  With the mayor’s “ham-handed” approach to the shady 101 Ash Street and skydiving facility deals, the secrecy surrounding Kettner and Vine is not a good sign.

The Union Tribune’s Jeff McDonald reported on April 21, the proposal called for:

  • 35-year lease: experts interviewed said it’s better to use city owned land or buy the property, but no more than a 10-year lease;
  • $1.9 million annual rent with three-percent annual increases; costing $92 million over life of lease. This is 63 percent more than the current SD average of $1.50 per square foot
  • Mayor committed to paying $18 million in improvements, yet his office acknowledges landlords usually foot this bill   
  • Requires $30 million annual operational cost;
  • This totals $1.1 billion over 35 years;
  • Said another way that’s $2,700 per month per bed;
  • Also there is 14.5 percent annual return on lease for landlord, which is 2–3 times the average

Mayor Gloria thinks it’s a great idea for taxpayers to pay this 1.1-billion-dollar bill for the next 35 years.  Yet he doesn’t want our input.  Where is the money coming from – Mayor Gloria doesn’t yet know.  So, why now, why no community input, why is this such an expedited and ill-prepared proposal?  Could it be that it’s an election year?  That’s my guess.

In an interview published by the UT in October 2020, then mayoral candidate Todd Gloria promised, “Within my first four years, San Diegans will see a decline in on-street homelessness. We will accomplish this with strong leadership, data-driven decision-making, and accountability for all stakeholders tasked with helping us solve this program.”  

Mayor Gloria has failed on this pledge.  The Task Force on Homelessness counted 4887 homeless San Diegans in 2020 when Mayor Gloria was running for election.  This year the homeless population in the City of San Diego rose to 6783.  That’s an increase of 1896 people or 38 percent more.

Since it’s election season Mayor Gloria has realized that something needs to be done. Kettner and Vine is a “Hail Mary” plan to spend 1.1 billion dollars of taxpayer money to create reelection talking points with an ill-conceived and non-transparent proposal to end homelessness.  Please don’t let this scam go any further.  Do not reelect Mayor Gloria.


Category: Authors, Government, Homeless, Local News, Politics

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