Archive for August, 2020
Cabrillo National Monument Celebrates 19th Amendment Centennial with “Forward Into Light”

San Diego, CA: On August 18, 1920, Tennessee became the 36th state to ratify the 19th Amendment, which Congress had passed just 15 months before, reaching the required three-fourths ratification to become law. Eight days later, on August 26, passage was certified by U.S. Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby. One of the shortest Amendments to […]
A Tale of Two Decisions
The stock market drop in February and March was the fastest drop of that magnitude on record. The recovery since late March has been equally breathtaking. In fact, many people we speak with are surprised that the broad stock market has completely recovered its losses for the year. During turbulent markets like these, investors face […]
Super Bloom 2019 Wildflower Tour with Jim Bishop

In June the Mission Hills Garden Club met via Zoom. Jim Bishop, engineer by education, landscaper by choice, and president of many important garden and horticultural groups, showed his magnificent slides from some of the 25 trips he and his partner Scott Borden took to see the spectacular display of wildflowers in San Diego County […]
Mission Hills Heritage Launches Podcast Walking Tour Series

Mission Hills Heritage is pleased to announce a series of podcast walking tours of Mission Hills. With social distancing and other health measures in place due to the pandemic, the group has decided to place a hold on this year’s live events and instead offer a series of free, on-demand podcast walking tours focusing on […]
Turning Up the Intensity in Your Summer Fitness Routine
As the heat waves of summer roll through, exercising (especially outdoors) can be quite challenging. When the barometer spikes up, it is a natural tendency to sideline your exercise routine and replace it with more cooling activities like lounging at the pool, shopping at an indoor mall or watching movies in an air conditioned home. […]
Thank You For Choosing Mission Hills

By J. Daniel Geddis, Mission Hills BID President and Owner Team D&B at One Mission Realty As I am writing this month’s column many of our businesses are again shut down under state and local mandates due to spikes in COVID-19 test results. Lax social distancing and lack of mask wearing have been mentioned as […]