A Strong-Arm Mayor Who Works Against the Public at Large

| August 3, 2024 | 0 Comments

By John Brady/Lived Advisors

What happened the evening of Monday, August 22 at City Council is the outcome of the “Strong Arm Mayor” form of government.    This got us the skydiving center, 101 Ash Street and looks to add the Kettner and Vine Street debacle as well.  Any rational person would look at the eight hours of testimony and say that they are throwing this baby out.  But just like Ash Street, vehicle habitation, anti-camping and skydiving, something happened during that 10 minute and 40-minute recesses.  The mayor strong armed one group, Steve Cushman (paid consultant) another (who as a philanthropist and campaign contributor, should never have been a presenter) and other business interests weighed in. 

Here are the facts:  The only reason over 300 people were housed after the convention center was due to HomeKey funds to purchase two hotels.  If we took the Kettner and Vine Street operating number to 300 people, the rent alone is $8,333 dollars per month, per individual.  At an uncomfortable 500 people it is $5,000/month per individual.  Add staff, security, medical and mental, utilities and more this is a $6,000/month to $9,000/month shelter. 

Forget the fact of the extreme liability of being surrounded by contaminated land, asbestos in the building and all the not minor structural and financial defects of the deal.  Here’s a developer, Doug Hamm, who paid $13 million for the property and then persuades the city to add $18-plus million in value with improvements.  Then the taxpayers assume all liabilities and a 30 year $30 million a year lease.  To that we say, NO Way!  This form of government must end now.

Jonathan Lutack, who had been in recovery and worked as a counselor, speaks to the media about the inhumane nature of the Kettner and Vine Street facility.

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Category: Government, Homeless, Lawsuits, Local News, Nonprofit

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General articles by the Presidio Sentinel and Associated Partners.