Hispanic Media Awakens to Fluoridegate and Fluoridation Harm

Telemundo, a major news and programming outlet for Hispanics here in the U.S., has produced a three-part series in Spanish that aired recently.
The series is called: Drinking Water or Poison? For the first time, CDC was put on the defensive about fluoridation harm to Latinos, and an interview happened at CDC. The first piece introduces the issue and features environmental leader Laura Seydel, Daniel Stockin and Kathy Thiessen. Pieces of the Fluoridegate and Our Daily Dose documentaries are included.
The second piece has an interview with the CDC Oral Health researcher involved in telling us that 41% of 12-15 year olds have dental fluorosis. During this series of programs, they question is asked, “Why not share race data, unless doing so created a problem?”
What is evident is that the CDC wasn’t been keen on sharing that info…and Freedom of Information Act documents let slip that they do know that blacks have way more fluorosis than whites…but why no info shared on fluorosis in Hispanics?
The third piece tells people how they can take action and how they can contact the Nidel law firm if they have dental fluorosis.
To learn more from this Hispanic news station and its coverage on this serious topic, contact: noticias@telemundoatlanta.com.
Category: Entertainment, Other, Videos