A Few Words from Our Supporters…
“Congratulations on the 50th. I enjoyed it as much as the first and patronize your advertisers first before I go elsewhere for whatever I need.”
–Sally & Jim Hamburg
“You did a great job of portraying my role as an acupuncturist and educating the public on Oriental medicine.”
–Sheila Kendro
“Just a little note from us here at Lions, Tigers & Bears to thank you for having written such a great article in the Presidio Sentinel. It was very well written. Our beautiful cats also thank you.
–Shein O’Brien, volunteer
Lions, Tigers & Bears
“My wife and I have been residents of Mission Hills for the past 15 years, and I have read almost every issue of your publication since it started landing in our driveway. Keep up the good work, and do keep trying to keep the residents of the area informed on what is happening in our area.”
–Bill Casper