Featured Articles
Punching out Racism, Gang Violence and Mistrust of the Police

ABC (Any Body Can) Youth Foundation, a non-profit organization established in 1957 by World Boxing Champion Archie Moore, partners with Boys To Men Mentoring in a community boxing session hosted by Claudia and Bill Allen of Allen Airways Flying Museum. Chief Shelley Zimmerman and members of the SDPD along with Supervisor Dianne Jacob will participate […]
Showing Gratitude for our Fathers and Forefathers
It’s impossible for me to not realize the importance of the month of June. It’s when most of us take time to show gratitude for our fathers. My father was an exceptional human being and amazing father. I also know that he lived a hard life. He helped me to understand that hardships and life’s […]
Big Face Smile Entertainment Is a Hit!

When it comes to fashion shows around town, it is the norm to have designers presenting their collections and vendors supporting this cause. There are shows all over town that I have attended with this same sentiment. I can honestly say, there is always something unique and refreshing about each of them. With no […]
Mission Hills Heritage Holds Fundraiser for Legal Challenge to Community Plan Update
Mission Hills Heritage (MHH), an all-volunteer community organization, will hold a fundraiser on Saturday, June 3, 2017 to support its legal challenge to the City’s approval of the Uptown Community Plan Update. The event takes place from 4 to 7 p.m. at 4455 Hermosa Way, the William Templeton Johnson-designed home of Gordon and Dalia Hunt, […]
Do Tax Cuts Really Stimulate the Economy?
There’s a very popular economic theory that suggests that if tax rates are at zero or 100 percen, the government will raise no revenue in either case. At 100 percent, all income goes to the government so there is no incentive for people to work, while a tax rate of zero percent obviously raises no […]
The State of Our Confusion
by George Mitrovich Renunciation of thinking is a declaration of spiritual bankruptcy. Where there is no longer a conviction that men can get to know the truth by their own thinking, skepticism begins. — “Out of My Life and Thought” by Albert Schweitzer The Syrian Government dropped sarin gas on its defenseless citizens and 80 […]
Home Sweet Rental
Lately, there have been a few homes in Mission Hills that have been listed on websites like VRBO.com, AirBNB, HomeAway and others. My family has used these websites to find great travel deals. But a recent article shared by one of my colleagues got me thinking: how do you insure something like that if you’re […]
Belmont Park’s Easter Bash

One festive day, three ways to play Back by popular demand, Belmont Park will stage their fifth annual Easter Egg Hunt on the beach as well as a hunt within the park itself on Easter Sunday, April 16. There will be even more prizes and fun to be had by everyone this year. What is […]
Estate Planning Is More than Just a Will
Not too long ago, I wrote about the most basic estate-planning tool: your will. If you have children, or really anyone whom you wish to benefit at your death, your will is the most essential foundation for putting your affairs in order after you’re gone. However, “after you’re gone” isn’t the only scenario your estate […]
Local Ronald McDonald House Receives Gifts from UnitedHealthcare

UnitedHealthcare donated Valentine’s Day-themed gifts to families at Ronald McDonald House Charities of San Diego this past February. The gifts, in the form of 150 toy bags for kids, were delivered to families and officials of the Ronald McDonald House. In addition to toys, the colorful packages – known as Grins 2 Go bags – […]