Tag: City Council
“Mayor and Council Ignored Promises of a Full, Open Public Discussion”

By Paul Krueger There were many reasons for the City Council to soundly defeat Mayor Todd Gloria’s ill-conceived settlement proposal for the Ash Street litigation. But one very important factor was lost in the machinations that led to the council’s July 26 approval of the settlement. One month earlier, on June 27, Council President Sean […]
San Diego’s Stealth Government: Read the Fine Print
By Kate Callen Political troubadour Pete Seeger had an apt formula for comparing education and experience: “Education is when you read the fine print. Experience is what you get when you don’t.” For decades now, San Diegans unschooled in reading the fine print have lost hundreds of millions of dollars to painful experience: the public […]
Hearing on Legal Challenge Looms
Mission Hills Heritage’s (MHH) legal challenge to the new Uptown Community Plan is finally heading toward a court hearing in late September. MHH’s legal challenge was filed under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and is based on flaws in the environmental analysis underlying the community plan update. As background, in November 2016 the City […]
Mission Hills Heritage Holds Fundraiser for Legal Challenge to Community Plan Update
Mission Hills Heritage (MHH), an all-volunteer community organization, will hold a fundraiser on Saturday, June 3, 2017 to support its legal challenge to the City’s approval of the Uptown Community Plan Update. The event takes place from 4 to 7 p.m. at 4455 Hermosa Way, the William Templeton Johnson-designed home of Gordon and Dalia Hunt, […]