Tag: CNN
What Now?
By George Mitrovich In June of last summer I watched Donald Trump in New Hampshire speak at a campaign appearance in a big home before an all-white audience. I watched his show courtesy of MSNBC, which astonishingly covered it live – all of it. Trump in his Live Free or Die campaign stop, was my […]
Mary Alice Meets an Angel
“Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unaware.” – • Hebrews 13:2 (RSV) Mary Alice Williams, news anchor for New Jersey Television (NJTV) and co-founder of CNN, was known to me professionally but unknown personally. On the day former Senator Eugene McCarthy’s life was remembered and celebrated in […]
San Diegans Can Help a Local Hero Get National Attention

The Emilio Nares Foundation (ENF), a San Diego non-profit that offers resources to families with children battling cancer, is pleased to announce its co-founder and executive director, Richard Nares, is among CNN’s “Top 10 Heroes of 2013.” The annual campaign recognizes everyday people who are changing the world during the “CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute” […]
Taxes, Spending and the Federal Debt
I’ll warn you, this is kind of wonky, but it’s a national conversation that is LONG overdue. Here are two tables excerpted from a 2011 CNN poll of American voters: Share of the Federal Budget What We Think Actual 2010 Budget Keep Same or Increase Military 30% 19.3% 63% Medicare 20% 13.1% 87% […]
What Now? The Sillies, or the Willies
I forget to pray for the angels, and the angels forget to pray for us … Item: I’ve already attempted to diagnose Barney, our Cairn Terrier’s evil obsession with the parking meter scooters – or their drivers? – but sadly, I continue to fail in this mission. Yet I have stopped fretting about it, even […]
Nice Chatting With You
My phone rang and the name appeared showing me who was calling. I was 3,000 miles from home vacationing with a friend at the Jersey shore. I hoped this was not an emergency. The voice on the other end was a good friend inquiring if my sister is okay. I had no idea what she […]