Tag: Congress
Vote with an Attitude and Conscience

With a 3 percent approval rating, Congress is an embarrassment to all Americans. Unless we commit to change, we get more of the same. It’s time we all act with a passion to vote for people who aren’t political professionals, and who truly understand the needs of all of us. That’s why I am voting […]
A Poorly Executed Effort for Health Care insurance
Over the past several months I’ve heard from numerous individuals and business owners about their current and future health insurance. A lot of people initially expressed support for the concept of “all people having the opportunity for health insurance coverage.” Unfortunately, we’re now really feeling the results of what was proposed as insurance coverage that […]
Update to Estate Planning
One of the most challenging things about estate planning since 2001 has been keeping up with the changing rules and Congress’ inability to decide on a ‘final’ estate and transfer tax regime. Well, with the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (“ATRA”, the fiscal cliff deal), we finally have some clarity, and a set of […]
Obama for America?
By George Mitrovich Barack Obama took the presidential oath of office January 20, 2009. The challenges he inherited on that historic occasion were as great as faced by any president – including Abraham Lincoln and Franklin D. Roosevelt; any assessment of Mr. Obama’s presidency not accounting for those challenges would be dishonest. With that […]