Tag: Councilman Scott Sherman

Supreme Court Dismissal Creates New Normal for Homelessness in San Diego

| January 5, 2020 | Comment Now!
Supreme Court Dismissal Creates New Normal for Homelessness in San Diego

Recently, the Supreme Court refused to hear a major case on homelessness, letting stand a ruling that protects homeless people’s right to sleep on the sidewalk or in public parks if no other shelter is available. Without comment, the Supreme Court refused to hear a case originating from Boise, Idaho, which challenged a ruling from […]

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Judge Halts City’s Attempt to Discriminate Against Non-Union Workers

| July 3, 2019 | Comment Now!
Judge Halts City’s Attempt to Discriminate Against Non-Union Workers

Pure Water Construction Contracts Approved by Council Illegally Circumvented Proposition A In a recent ruling, Superior Court Judge John S. Meyer awarded an injunction Against the City of San Diego after the City Council, last year, voted to exclude non- union contractors from bidding on the Pure Water project. In 2012, San Diego voters overwhelmingly […]

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New Program Provides Jobs for Homeless

| March 5, 2018 | Comment Now!

For all of us who live in San Diego, it’s very obvious that the homeless situation has gotten increasingly worse. The number of homeless encampments has grown substantially and the locations around the city and county have become more obvious. Hillcrest business owners and residents recently shared with me that they are very concerned about […]

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