Tag: Craftsman

Craftsman: Then and Now

| April 3, 2017 | Comment Now!
Craftsman: Then and Now

Mission Hills Heritage Spring Event An exciting new event sponsored by Mission Hills Heritage will take place on Saturday, May 6, 2017. The theme, “Craftsman, Then and Now, An Immersion Experience,” will establish a link between the original American Craftsman homes in the first quarter of the 20th century, remodels of originals, and late 20th, […]

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Mission Hills Historic District Expands by 99 Homes

| August 17, 2014 | Comment Now!
Mission Hills Historic District Expands by 99 Homes

by Barry E. Hager The efforts of a group of Mission Hills residents recently paid off when the City of San Diego added 99 homes to the Mission Hills Historic District. The homes are all within the original Mission Hills subdivision, recorded by George W. Marston and others in 1908. “It was a complex process, […]

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