Tag: excersice
Simple Steps to Increase Your Burn

The meal that kick starts your day that should be the highest calorie meal of your day is BREAKFAST. I know, you don’t have time, you never have eaten breakfast, you hate eggs, you’re not hungry, you’re a grab n go coffee type. I get it. But start somewhere. Your body as it slept last […]
Summers New Rears Resolution Part 2

By following last months New Rears Resolution Part 1 you are four weeks or so ahead of the curve on the toosh tightening plan to bring in the summer with a tighter toner look in the back side. Last month’s installment tackled “My Buns are Too Big” where we lauded the value of the Elliptical […]
Summers New Rears Resolution Part 3

By following April and May New Rears Resolution Parts 1 and 2, you are now eight weeks or so ahead of the curve to tighten your toosh to bring in the summer with a tighter toner look in the back side. Last month’s installment tackled “My Buns are Too Saggy” where we employed the Hyperextension […]