Tag: gardening

Bill Tall Explains Ways to Help Your Garden Thrive

| December 14, 2020 | Comment Now!
Bill Tall Explains Ways to Help Your Garden Thrive

In September, Mission Hills Garden Club was treated to a delightful presentation by the owner of City Farmers Nursery.  Founded by Bill Tall’s father in 1972, Tall is the current owner with his children ready to take up the reins when he retires.  Of course, Tall says, “It has never been just a job for […]

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Container Gardens of Succulent Succulents (pardon the pun)

| September 10, 2011 | 0 Comments
Container Gardens of Succulent Succulents (pardon the pun)

By Barb Strona Late last spring the Mission Hills Garden Club’s “Event” was to learn how to plant an attractive potted succulent garden. Debra Lee Baldwin, renowned succulent expert, first demonstrated how to plant using various pots and plants. Whether you begin with a particular pot you like or you begin with plants you like, […]

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“Down Under” Natives

| August 2, 2011 | Comment Now!
“Down Under” Natives

Mo Price spoke to the Mission Hills Garden Club in June about Australian native plants that thrive in our Mediterranean climate. Mediterranean climates are found in a very small portion of our planet. They appear on the west coast of the continents in areas with little rain. The areas that are considered to be Mediterranean […]

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