Tag: Gloria Steinem

Musings at Eighty

| August 2, 2015 | Comment Now!

The larger the island of knowledge, the greater the shoreline of wonder. Dr. Ralph Washington Sockman Christ Church, Methodist, New York City (1916-61) As I approached my eighty birthday (July 29), friends said, “This is the big one, the Big Eight O.” But I didn’t see it that way. My family often complains; I am […]

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Of Gloria Steinem & Kevin Faulconer

| April 4, 2014 | Comment Now!

I haven’t researched this, but it’s almost certain Gloria Steinem’s and Kevin Faulconer’s names have never before been linked, in life or in print. That they’re here as the lead for my Sentinel column this month, requires an explanation. While Ms. Steinem may know San Diego has a new mayor, and Mayor Faulconer undoubtedly knows […]

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Gloria Steinem & Women at Risk

| April 3, 2012 | Comment Now!
Gloria Steinem & Women at Risk

In 1969 I slipped out of a Caucus Room hearing in the U.S. Senate Russell Office Building and into a telephone booth. I dialed a number in New York City for Gloria Steinem, whom I had never met but wanted to know. Ms. Steinem answered and I introduced myself, telling her I had worked for […]

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