Tag: insulin

The Other Life Changing Diabetes

| October 3, 2017 | Comment Now!
The Other Life Changing Diabetes

By Dove Braunstein Recently I watched the documentary “What the Health” on Netflix. Being a self-proclaimed health nut (who, admittedly, doesn’t always practice what she preaches), I enjoyed the film and its general message. Processed food is killing us; eat less meat and dairy, and way, way more plants. Amen. But I had one huge […]

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Ebola and Immunity

| November 17, 2014 | Comment Now!

I have been getting weary of the fear-monger hype about the Ebola virus. Remember that it is, in fact, a virus. Those most susceptible to it are those with compromised immune systems; those most likely to recover are those with robust immune response. So, Ebola is a reminder to us to support our own immune […]

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