Tag: Jeff Moore

Soft Succulents That Are Easy to Handle

| August 7, 2018 | Comment Now!
Soft Succulents That Are Easy to Handle

Jeff Moore spoke to the San Diego Horticultural Society about succulents that “do NOT draw blood.” While succulents is not a scientific term, it has come to mean fleshy plants that store moisture. Many of these have such pretty leaves that flowers are unnecessary to enhance your garden. Best of all, Moore says succulents have […]

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On Behalf of Succulents

| March 1, 2015 | Comment Now!
On Behalf of Succulents

Jeff Moore, author and succulent nurseryman who spoke to the San Diego Horticultural Society in January, gave a fascinating lecture and slide show about succulents. They are plants which retain moisture for long periods of time (as a good thing). Cacti and succulents fall into this category. Tillandsias (air plants), bromeliads, and even some orchids […]

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