Tag: Kenya

Part Two: Kenya Sojourn

| March 9, 2016 | Comment Now!
Part Two:   Kenya  Sojourn

When I wrote about our trip to Kenya, I stressed the luxuriousness of our camps. The camp guides can identify each mammal, bird, reptile and probably insect. In addition, they know all the plants. Each camp guide leads you to a plethora of animals doing whatever they do normally. I heard the Latin names of […]

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Part One: Kenya Sojourn

| February 2, 2016 | Comment Now!
Part One:  Kenya Sojourn

Travel broadens the mind. I disagree. Being in a location with people who have had different experiences, whose way of life is unlike yours, whose physical environment is different from yours is enlightening. Traveling coach by air, to go from point A to point B, is exhausting and annoying. However, the destination can make the […]

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