Tag: National Conflict Resolution Center

What Now?

| March 3, 2017 | Comment Now!
What Now?

Peacemaker Awards, Not a Moment Too Soon Absent the 20th century world wars, can we remember a time since, so filled with conflict, seemingly invading every aspect of our society, seemingly propelled by American’s thin-skinned, rash president? Tough times. All the more reason to recognize, honor and celebrate the National Conflict Resolution Center (NCRC), which […]

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The Sportin’ Life

| November 2, 2012 | Comment Now!
The Sportin’ Life

When attorney Jerry Harris is on your side, challenges are met, growth is guaranteed. Five years ago, he turned his considerable legal ability and passion to the development of “SPORTS for Exceptional Athletes” (S4EA, or SPORTS) – fueled in no small part by his own developmentally disabled sister, and his family’s dedication to social and […]

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Peacemaker Awards 2012

| February 1, 2012 | Comment Now!
Peacemaker Awards 2012

On Thursday, February 16, the National Conflict Resolution Center (NCRC) will present its 24th Annual Peacemaker Awards.  We Talked with Steven P. Dinkin, NCRC’s president. LW:  This is Peacemaker’s 24th year!  What inspired Peacemaker? How has it changed over the years? SD:  NCRC’s Peacemaker Awards promotes the concept and the possibility of resolving conflict through […]

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