Tag: Presidio Hills
Remembering Presidio Hills
Every once in a while something happens in our lives that we can call a “teaching moment.” That happened to me recently with a new neighbor. During this occurrence, I took the time to reflect on the past, and to re-experience living in the Presidio Hills neighborhood for 36 years. Where did the time go, […]
Presidio Hills’ Neighbors Enjoy a Day of Friendship

This past September, residents of Presidio Hills, took time from their busy Sunday schedules to enjoy a day of bonding and sharing stories of living in Mission Hills. The Presidio Hills’ area includes residents of Altamirano, Cosoy, Marilouise, Presidio Drive and Arista. The event took place at the home of Patty Ducey-Brooks and Craig Kinshella. […]
Neighbors Working Together to Make a Difference
Over the last several weeks I have been very impressed by the commitment and fortitude of my neighbors and people from communities throughout the city who have been pulling together to make a difference. I applaud all of them for their efforts and their accomplishments. Here’s a quick recap of their efforts. Presidio Park/Presidio Hills […]
Mission Hills Heritage Home Tour

Presidio Hills, an enclave of about 60 homes lying just above Presidio Park, is the focus of the eighth annual self-guided tour of five historic homes presented by Mission Hills Heritage (MHH) on Saturday, September 22 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. “Subdivided in 1926, Presidio Hills is one of the last tracts to be […]