Tag: San Diego Horticultural Society
40 Years Among the Natives

In April I went to the San Diego Horticultural Society at the Del Mar racetrack to hear David Fross talk about plants native to California. He arrived at his current career by a circuitous route. Fross had been drawn to natural landscapes as a child. However, he majored in history; and as a graduate student […]
A Lesson in Water Wise Gardens

In December I attended San Diego Horticultural Society’s meeting on Water Wise Lessons, given by Clayton Tschudy, director of Horticulture and Exhibits at The Water Conservation Garden in El Cajon. This garden represents nearly 20 years’ experience in using drought tolerant plants. Tschudy discussed the garden’s history, both success and challenges of the Garden and subsequent innovations […]
Invaders in our Midst

“Since 1993 Sustainable Conservation has partnered with the private sector to identify, implement and scale environmental solutions that make economic sense,” explained Greg Richardson, PlantRight project manager of Sustainable Conservation and speaker at the September meeting of the San Diego Horticultural Society. PlantRight, a project run by Sustainable Conservation since 2005, has a goal: “to […]
Growing on Air

Imagine a plant that lives on air, requires very little attention, uses almost no space (It can even be grown vertically), and it can take both extreme heat and cold as low as 32 degrees. Paul Isley, co-owner of Rainforest Flora, spoke to the San Diego Horticultural Society about Tillandsias, also known as air […]
Part I Bromeliads

Easy to grow and Easy on the Eye In April, Joann Dossett, long-time member of the Mission Hills Floral Association, San Diego Horticultural Society, and a host of other botanical organizations, gave an enthusiastic workshop on bromeliads at her beautiful home. She began by apologizing. It seems a troop of raccoons has fallen in love […]