Tag: Wall Street

Clinton & Trump & America’s Future

| March 9, 2016 | Comment Now!

By George Mitrovich HILLARY CLINTON HAS A PROBLEM, AND IT’S NOT GOING AWAY. But if you think I intend here a Hillary screed, read no further. I do not. There are substantive reasons to oppose Mrs. Clinton for president; but they should be principled not personal. But before outlining my concerns about her candidacy, let […]

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Capital Markets Today

| September 6, 2012 | Comment Now!

I had originally planned to continue writing about Municipal Bonds, but a question I was asked recently really got me thinking: with all of the scandals and problems that have come to light, can we really trust our financial future to Wall Street brokers and bankers. In case you hadn’t heard, HSBC and several other […]

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Obama for America?

| December 29, 2011 | Comment Now!

By George Mitrovich   Barack Obama took the presidential oath of office January 20, 2009. The challenges he inherited on that historic occasion were as great as faced by any president – including Abraham Lincoln and Franklin D. Roosevelt; any assessment of Mr. Obama’s presidency not accounting for those challenges would be dishonest. With that […]

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