Tag: World War II

Do You Really Know Your Neighbors?

| October 5, 2016 | Comment Now!
Do You Really Know Your Neighbors?

Last month I was reminded that we may not really know our neighbors. And, whose fault is that? How many of us actually take the time to say good morning to the people who live next door, or even around the block from us. I would guess not many. Fortunately, one of my neighbors who […]

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A Tribute to C. David Kulman

| September 30, 2012 | Comment Now!
A Tribute to C. David Kulman

This past month, C. David Kulman, who has been a contributing writer for the Presidio Sentinel, passed away from congestive heart failure. Kulman was an amazing man who had a passion for Hollywood, celebrities, trivia, food, theatre, entertainers, cats and friendships. Kulman was an only child raised by two doting parents in Brooklyn. After high […]

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Europe: Financial Crisis or Opportunity?

| November 29, 2011 | Comment Now!

By Rick Brooks I’m taking a risk with this column, because the rapid pace of change ‘across the pond’ means that everything could be different by the time you read this. Having said that, Europe’s problems are deeply seated, and to put it mildly, far deeper than a ‘mere’ banking crisis. Today’s European Union, the […]

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