Janice Brown Named to Board

| November 21, 2011 | Comment Now!

Janice Brown is founder and CEO of Brown Law Group

The National Association of Minority & Women Owned Law Firms (NAMWOLF) has named Janice Brown to its Board of Directors.  Brown, founder and CEO of Brown Law Group (www.brownlawgroup.com), has participated actively with and for NAMWOLF for the past three years and has integrated its mission into her legal practice and advocacy for woman in the field of law.

NAMWOLF is a non-profit organization that promotes true diversity by fostering the development of long-lasting relationships between preeminent minority and women-owned law firms and private/public entities.  NAMWOLF positions its national network of more than 600 distinguished attorneys as vital resources in building strategic alliances among firm members, supporting growth and success, fostering the formation of minority and women-owned law firms, and encouraging women and minorities to pursue careers in the legal profession.

Brown noted that Brown Law Group has served the organization as editor of the NAMWOLF newsletter the past two years, and Brown specifically has contributed content to this informative publication by writing articles and interviewing corporate partners and financial contributors.

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