Author Reaches Young Children with Timely Message About Fear and Bravery

| February 6, 2022 | 0 Comments

Teachers and parents alike have seen increased levels of anxiety in children during the Covid-19 pandemic. School shutdowns, sick loved ones, and family stress have all taken their toll on children. San Diego-based children’s author John Dunn has a new book and two friendly dogs who just might help.

Through “Boo and Ted’s Amazing Adventures – Beach Rescue,” Dunn, the father of two daughters, uses the power of stories to help communicate an important message to young children. “Being brave doesn’t mean you are not afraid,” he says, dogs Boo and Ted by his side. “Courage is about facing your fears and doing the right thing anyway, whether it is trying something new, standing up for a classmate who’s being bullied, or just returning to classroom learning.”

Dunn’s book is no lecture, though. It is a light-hearted tale about how adventurous Boo and timid Ted save a swimmer from drowning at Coronado Beach. Filled with relatable heroes and local sites, Dunn says “Boo and Ted’s Amazing Adventures – Beach Rescue” was the most often-requested bedtime story at his house, and he hopes it will bring comfort to other children, especially those who may be struggling right now.

In a recent study published by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, scientists who studied the effect of storytelling and riddle-based games on children hospitalized in an intensive care unit found that listening to stories lowered young patients’ stress hormone levels and reduced their pain. Researchers also hint that storytelling could have a powerful effect on children’s well-being beyond the hospital setting — including for those whose home and school lives have been left in disarray by the coronavirus.

“Stories help young people identify their own feelings through the thoughts and experiences of characters,” says Dunn. “I’ve been gratified by the responses I’ve received from parents and children who have told me how much they’ve enjoyed “Boo and Ted’s Amazing Adventures-Beach Rescue.” This is such a tough time for families and I’m glad to offer a fun story that can also serve as a powerful tool to discuss courage and fear.”

“Boo and Ted’s Amazing Adventures-Beach Rescue” is available via Amazon.

San Diego-based children’s author John Dunn has a new book and two friendly dogs, and uses the power of stories to help communicate an important message to young children.

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Category: Animals, Authors, Books, Education, Entertainment, feature, Local News, School, Students

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