Horses of Tir Na Nog Seeks Assistance
Rescued Mustangs Receive Needed Care

Rescued mustangs receive food and care from Horses of Tir Na Nog.
In November of 2018 fifteen underweight mustangs were seized by County of San Diego Department of Animal Services as part of an on-going animal neglect case.
These fifteen are part of the mustang herd residing at Horses of Tir Na Nog. The original members were rescued by Animal Services in 2012. In August of 2018 ten emaciated members of the same herd were added to the herd.
“While in the care of Animal Services, the mustangs were well fed and everyone gained needed weight. As a result, they are in much better shape than their herdmates were when they arrived in August,” explained Amy Pat Rigney, administrator of Horses of Tir Na Nog.
According to Rigney, unfortunately, no level of care can change the results of inbreeding in this herd. This group of mustangs has crooked legs, clubbed feet and other irregularities in their bone structures that make them poor candidates for recreational performance, such as riding. Even though their skeletal structures limit their recreational potential, they can enjoy a high quality of life living in relative freedom, as a herd.
She shared that the newest group immediately integrated into the existing herd. The group includes two colts that the veterinary team will be gelding. As with the original members of the herd that arrived in 2012, they strongly suspect that one of the newly arrived mares is pregnant.
“As our herd has grown, so has our need for support from the community. As we start 2019, we need to raise the $100,000 we have budgeted to care for the herd,” stated Rigney. “In addition to donations, we would welcome the help of local fundraisers who can help us meet this goal and provide the wonderful life this herd deserves.”
Horses of Tir Na Nog is the longest-operating equine sanctuary in San Diego County and is currently caring for over ninety equines. Horses of Tir Na Nog is an adoption partner with County of San Diego Department of Animal Services and works in compliance with American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) Rescue and Retirement Guidelines. Horses of Tir Na Nog is a community-supported equine sanctuary that offers a safe-haven to horses with few options remaining, thereby ensuring them a better quality of life.
Rigney encourages those who are interested to follow the herd on Facebook and Instagram under Mustangs of Tir Na Nog.
Category: Animals, Featured Articles, Local News