Horses of Tir Na Nog Seeks Matching Donor for $5,000

| September 6, 2017 | Comment Now!

Frankie, a new addition to Horses of Tir Na Nog, will receive much-needed medical attention.

Horses of Tir Na Nog’s efforts to raise $15,000 for their Medical Fund has just received a significant boost. An anonymous donor has offered a $5,000 matching gift for funds raised between Aug. 26 and September 26, 2017.

“This summer we have been trying to raise $30,000 to cover our basic annual medical expenses. Through the generosity of our donors we have passed the half-way mark to our goal. Now a great friend of the organization has stepped forward to offer us a $5,000 matching grant to help us meet our goal,” explains Amy Pat Rigney, Horses of Tir Na Nog administrator. “Medical care is a critical part of the quality of care we provide to our ranch residents, from our horses to our roosters.”

Horses of Tir Na Nog is the longest-operating equine sanctuary in San Diego County and is currently caring for fifty-five equines. Horses of Tir Na Nog is an adoption partner with County of San Diego Department of Animal Services and works in compliance with American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) Rescue and Retirement Guidelines.

To learn more and to contribute to this worthy cause, visit or call (619) 465-6384.


Category: Animals, Local News

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