Snow Damage at Horses of Tir Na Nog

| April 30, 2012 | Comment Now!

The late winter storm that closed Interstate 8 also had a devastating impact on Horses of Tir Na Nog, a local non-profit horse sanctuary.

Horses of Tir Na Nog moved to the East County, near Descanso five years ago. In the last five years the ranch and its residents have weathered wind, rain, snow, and even a small grass fire. But the heavy, wet snow proved to be too much for the steel shelters that protect the horses from not only winter snow and rain, but also summer heat and thunder storms. Seventeen of the shelters have been deemed beyond repair due to the loss of structural integrity. An additional eight shelters need repair.

“Our horses, most of which have come to us through County of San Diego Department of Animal Services have suffered so much, though neglect, abuse and abandonment. Over the years, we have built the type of facility that could provide them with the life-long care they deserve. It is hard to see so much damage to their beautiful home. We need help from community to raise funds to replace and repair the shelters before summer arrives.”

Checks, made payable to Horses of Tir Na Nog, can be sent to 6364 Arms Lake Ave., San Diego, CA 92119, or donations can be made on-line at

Category: Animals

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