Thirty Dogs Are Impounded

| February 3, 2015 | Comment Now!

This past month, thirty dogs were impounded and are under the care of County Animal Services after they were removed from a home in San Ysidro.

Animal Control Officers were conducting a yearly inspection of the property to make sure the owners had not exceeded a six-adult-dog limit that was imposed following a public nuisance hearing approximately 10 years ago. The officers found 30 mixed-breed dogs.
The owners voluntarily gave up the animals and Animal Control Officers took them to the shelter in Bonita.

Veterinary staff examined the dogs and found they were suffering from severe hair loss, visible sores, and severe nail problems.
The case is under investigation and could lead to criminal charges.

The dogs that were impounded were suffering from various health issues.

The dogs that were impounded were suffering from various health issues.


Category: Animals, Local News

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