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Between the Lines: Best Sellers

| May 18, 2014 | 0 Comments

The New York Times Book Review publishes thoughtful and intelligent reviews of newly published books and newly released paperbacks. The Review also includes five pages of best-seller lists: print hardback, trade and mass-market paperback, and combined print/e-book rankings all broken down into fiction and nonfiction, plus a separate advice/how-to/miscellaneous section, and children’s books. I wonder […]

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Mission Hills Nursery: Will It Survive?

| May 11, 2014 | 0 Comments
Mission Hills Nursery:  Will It Survive?

There may be a day in the near future when our Mission Hills Nursery is no longer a landmark on the corner of Palmetto and Fort Stockton Drive. Old time Mission Hills residents remember Mission Hills Nursery when the Antonicelli family owned and ran it. Giuseppe Antonicelli bought it from Kate Sessions in 1922. In […]

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Motherly Advice

| May 11, 2014 | 0 Comments

We Need To Look Out For Each Other Due to the fact that the month of May includes a tribute to mothers, it seemed appropriate to use this issue as an opportunity to share some motherly advice. I feel so blessed that I had a mother who was a kind, loving and generous person. She […]

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The San Diego Foundation Names Anne Kilpatrick Director, Human Resources

| November 21, 2011 | 0 Comments
The San Diego Foundation Names Anne Kilpatrick Director, Human Resources

Anne Kilpatrick began at The San Diego Foundation in 2006 as the Human Resources Manager. Bringing more than 20 years of experience in nonprofit management, her workplace and management knowledge has been highly beneficial to The Foundation. Kilpatrick’s scope of responsibility spans recruitment, employee engagement and relations, performance management, staff development, best practice and policy development, […]

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