Celebrating 50 Years of Centro Cultural de la Raza
Centro Cultural de la Raza presents its 50th anniversary with an inaugural weekend of virtual and in person celebrations that will officially kick-off a fundraising campaign to help Centro continue its mission to create, preserve, promote and educate about Chicano, Mexicano, Latino and Indigenous history, traditions, art and culture. From 4 to 5:30 p.m., Saturday, July 10, streamed on Facebook Live: Centro Cultural de la Raza, viewable on YouTube after the event at AAC Centro. An in person reception and poster exhibition will take place from noon to 4 p.m., Sunday, July 11. The event is free and open to the public.
The virtual gala and performance will highlight the past, present and future of the organization as well as its continued florecimiento. The global pandemic brought forth many challenges, delaying the 50th anniversary that was planned to begin July 2020. The virtual Gala on July 10 will highlight the history of Centro through a theatrical timeline, taking the audience through Centro’s evolution. Embedded in the timeline are crafted performances featuring participants involved with the organization through the years and currently. Some of the presenters and guest speakers include: DJ Xavier “The X-Man,” Laura Castaneda, Ariana Gallegos, Victor Ochoa, Beto Perez, Salvador Torres, Ethan Van Tillo, and Bill Virchis.
The event will draw attention to recent, current and up-and-coming projects such as the mural restoration, digitizing the archive, building improvements, gathering oral histories, community library, La Tiendita, community garden, workshops for children and ways to get involved and support. Even during these difficult months, volunteers and community members have been passionate and invested in continuing the Centro’s mission.
The free, in-person event, to be held on July 11, will feature a poster exhibit in the Centro’s main gallery and vendors from the Tiendita which supports local craftsmen. Enjoy music by Los Maniacos and meet the Centro’s staff and volunteers.

Category: Art, Dance, Education, Entertainment, Events, feature, Historical, Local News, Music, Nonprofit