Gen Z in California says Homelessness is their #1 Concern

| October 8, 2019 | Comment Now!

California’s share of Generation Z believes homelessness is the biggest issue facing their community, according to new data from a survey commissioned by the Boy Scouts of America.

The survey asked young Americans, ages six to 17, to prioritize the top five issues in their community from a list of about twenty. Twenty-nine percent of youth surveyed in California said they want to help solve homelessness in their communities, making it the top concern. Hunger ranked second (28 percent) and care for elderly ranked third (25 percent).

The survey also took a look at the concerns of Generation Z on a national level. Young Americans ranked bullying (28 percent), hunger (28 percent) and care for the elderly (27 percent) as the top three issues impacting their local communities across the country.

The Boy Scouts of America has been actively working to equip kids with the tools they need to help solve major issues in their communities. Countless local Scouting service projects have tackled issues like homelessness and hunger in recent years. And merit badges offered by Boy Scouts of America, such as Citizenship in the Community and Disabilities Awareness, help kids understand and respect each other’s differences while building character and leadership skills.

According to the national survey of Gen Z’ers, 97 percent said being kind to others is an important aspect of daily life. All Scouts learn to live by the Scout Law, a foundational element of Scouting that includes 12 guiding characteristics like being helpful, trustworthy and kind. In fact, a 2015 Tufts University study[i] showed children involved in Cub Scouts were significantly more kind and helpful than non-Scouts.

Making the world a better place is an inherent part of Gen Z, according to the study. Seventy-six percent said they believe their generation has the ability to make positive change in the world. Other top issues they want to tackle globally are poverty (28 percent), human rights (26 percent) and access to education (24 percent).

This survey was conducted by YouGov Plc., on behalf of the Boy Scouts of America. All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. The total sample size was 1,002 youth, ages 6-17 across the U.S. More about the survey methodology can be found at

[i] A 2015 study by Tufts University worked to answer that question and many others through research which measured the character attributes of both Scouts and non-Scouts. The survey included 2,000+ Scouts and non-Scouts aged 6-12 in the Philadelphia area.


Members of Boy Scouts of America participant in outreach efforts to make a positive change in the world.

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