Historic Old Town Golf Classic Restores Funding

From left to right: Mike Mitzel, Esther Beish, Billy Casper, Cindy Furlong and Tommy Baker at the 2013 golf tournament.
Local Fourth Grade Visits Continue
The second annual Historic Old Town Golf Classic is scheduled for Monday, March 17, 2014, at the Salt Creek Golf Course in Chula Vista. The tournament raises much-needed funds to help local fourth grade students participate in the Old Town Fourth Grade History Program, covering the cost of transportation to Historic Old Town San Diego.
This year’s theme is “Green on the Green.” The Golf Classic begins with a shotgun start at 11:30 a.m. The tournament features a four-person Best Ball Scramble, lunch on the golf course and a helicopter ball drop. Historic Old Town Golf Classic, a PGA Hall of Fame golfer and children’s advocate, is scheduled to attend as the celebrity guest and dinner speaker.
For more than 40 years, the Old Town History Program had been an integrated learning environment for San Diego Unified School District fourth grade students. The program benefited more than 11,000 students each year and provided an opportunity for them to visit actual historic sites in Old Town San Diego as part of their curriculum. Students were able to experience the cultural significance of San Diego’s historic eras and inhabitants. Unfortunately, the weeklong program was officially eliminated by the San Diego Unified School District in 2011 due to budget constraints.
Enough funds were raised from the 2013 golf tournament to make it possible for more than 12,000 fourth grade students to return to Historic Old Town San Diego as part of their Southern California history curriculum.
Tournament registration is now open. Tickets are just $125 for individual golfers and $500 for a foursome, which includes tournament participation and dinner. A dinner-only option is also available at just $40 per person. Café Coyote returns as Title Sponsor, while Fiesta de Reyes is the 2014 Dinner Sponsor. Event sponsorships are still available. For complete information on sponsorship opportunities and other event details, visit http://www.OldTownGolfClassic.com, or call (619) 291-4903.
Category: Education, Events, Local News