Lunchtime Lectures for Lifetime Learners at the Mission Hills-Hillcrest/Knox Library                                          

| July 5, 2022 | Comment Now!

Lifetime Learners and Friends upcoming Lunch ‘n’ Learns for 2022 will be held the second and fourth Mondays of the month from noon to 1 p.m.

Informative lecturers are taking place at the Mission Hills-Hillcrest/Knox Library.

Monday, July 1 Veronica Aponte, Museum of Photographic Arts presents information on two current exhibitions: environmental issues and portrait images.

On Monday, July 25 a speaker for the Alzheimer’s Association will discuss “Is it Dementia or Senior Forgetfulness?” The presentation will include basic facts about Alzheimer and what Alzheimer’s San Diego does and can do to help.

Masks are requested even if immunized/full immunization. Considering Covid’s latest upsurge, food and drinks will not be served.

If programs are to be cancelled, the Mission Hills-Hillcrest/Knox Library website will post notification on the Friday before the scheduled Monday event.

Two hours of free validated parking is available under the library. Enter from Front Street.  Elevator access is available.


Category: Authors, Books, Education, Events, Local News, Seniors

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