Mission Hills Heritage 2020 Walking Tour

| March 3, 2020 | Comment Now!

“Mission Hills – Heart and Soul,” Mission Hills Heritage’s 2020 annual walking tour, will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, March 14 in the Mission Hills neighborhood of San Diego.  The guided walking tour will focus on the original subdivision known as “Mission Hills” mapped out by local businessman and developer George W. Marston and colleagues in 1908.  This was one of the first subdivisions in San Diego to feature contoured streets that matched the rolling topography of the land, which better accommodated a streetcar line, and included a hierarchy of street widths from thoroughfares to side streets.  Conceived as an upscale new development designed to accommodate homes in a naturally harmonious setting, this core area eventually lent its name to the larger neighborhood we now call Mission Hills.

Tour participants will walk past diverse architectural styles from the early 20th century, including Arts & Crafts, Prairie style, Spanish Eclectic and other Revival styles.  Homes on this year’s route vary in sizes from diminutive bungalows and cottages, to larger four squares and even a mansion. Tour guides will share interesting details about the various local builders and architects who designed the homes and the early residents who lived in them.  Vintage photos will help tell the story of a neighborhood important to the architectural legacy of San Diego.

Walking tours will depart at 10-15-minute intervals from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and will last up to 60 minutes each.  Homemade cookies and refreshments will be served at the end of each tour.

Tickets can be purchased in advance through the website www.MissionHillsHeritage.org, and beginning at 9:45 a.m. on the day of the event.  Ticket prices are $15 for MHH members and $20 for non-members.  Mission Hills Heritage is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization established to protect and preserve the character and charm of the historic Mission Hills community.

Tour guides will share interesting details about the various local builders and architects who designed the homes and the early residents who lived in them.

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Category: Education, Events, feature, Local News, Nonprofit

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