Outdoor Venue for Wine Tasting and Culinary Fundraiser

| March 8, 2013 | Comment Now!

Old Town Academy Foundation is holding its 2nd Annual Wine & Dine© to support the Old Town Academy – a K-8 Charter School in San Diego.

The OTA Wine and Dine© will offer some of the most exclusive wines in North America for taste and sale. Beer from two top southern California breweries, food from 12 of San Diego’s popular restaurants, olive oil tasting, coffee, dessert and other culinary items will be served under two big-top tents this coming April. The festivities will include live music along with a silent and live auction which includes art created by the OTA students. The popular “wall of wine” raffle will round off the event.

The wineries in attendance will be offering limited sales of their fine wines, many of which are not available to the general public.

The kick-off VIP event from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. is limited to 50 guests. The VIP event offers oenophiles the coveted opportunity to meet select award winning vintners and savor wine and food pairings created especially for the evening. In addition, VIP guests will also receive OTA commemorative gear and an early bid or buy opportunity for the auction items. The VIP wines and cuisine will not be served during the rest of the evening.

The event is open to the public, ages 21 years and up. Tickets purchased prior to March 15 enjoy a discount: $85 for the event or $150 which includes the VIP Experience. The tickets are available through the OTA Foundation website which also lists the participating wineries and restaurants, auction items and detailed information. There will be no ticket sales available at the door.

For information, call 619-574-6225 or via email at OTAwineanddine@gmail.com.

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