La Chaine des Rôtisseurs, Bailli of La Jolla presents Bronze Star

| February 3, 2015 | Comment Now!
Pictured left to right are Geniya Manchester, Doug Manchester and Bailli Dominick Addario, M.D.

Pictured left to right are Geniya Manchester, Doug Manchester and Bailli Dominick Addario, M.D.

La Chaine des Rôtisseurs, Bailli of La Jolla presented Papa Doug Manchester with the La Chaîne des Rôtisseurs Bronze Star for his outstanding culinary and hospitality contributions and for his many philanthropies. The award was presented by Bailli Dominick Addario, M.D.

“Mr. Manchester has done so much for the culinary community and the San Diego region with his beautiful downtown hotel resorts, the Manchester Grand Del Mar and remarkable world-class restaurants like Addison,” said Dr. Addario.  “And with the ground breaking of the Fairmont, Austin, a 595 foot-tall, 1066-room convention hotel in the heart of Austin, Texas, he continues to expand his mark on the skylines of America’s culinary and hospitality industry.”

Dr. Addario added, “This is only the fifth time since the La Jolla chapter of La Chaîne was founded 43 years ago that we have bestowed the esteemed Bronze Star. We also wanted to demonstrate our profound appreciation for the philanthropic work Papa Doug does in this community.  So much of it goes unnoticed.”

Founded in Paris in 1248, La Chaîne is the world’s oldest international gastronomic society. It is based on the traditions and practices of the old French royal guild of meat roasters (rôtisseurs). Revived in 1952, the society has professional and amateur members in more than 90 countries. In the United States, there are 122 Bailliages (chapters), each offering a variety of culinary activities to suit the interests of local members. The Chaîne is devoted to preserving the camaraderie and pleasures of the table and to promoting excellence in all areas of the hospitality arts. The La Jolla Bailliage was founded in 1971 and is the 3rd oldest Bailliage in California.

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