The Hillcrest Wind Ensemble presents a “Centennial Concert”

| April 6, 2015 | Comment Now!

At 7 p.m., Saturday, April 25th, The Hillcrest Wind Ensemble presents a “Centennial Concert” at the San Diego Woman’s Club, 2557 Third Avenue, adjacent to the park. The concert will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the 1915 Panama-California Exposition which celebrated the opening of the Panama Canal. The ensemble will partially recreate the New Years Eve, 1914 concert which was the dedication ceremony for the Spreckels Organ Pavilion and was the first event of the exposition.

Selections will include “William Tell Overture,” “Overture to Orpheus of the Underworld” and “I Love You California” (California’s state song). The group will also perform various Ragtime pieces which were all the rage in 1915. This historical concert promises to please young and old. Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door and are available at Windsmith, 3875 Granada Avenue in North Park and at

Under the direction of John Winkelman, the 45 piece ensemble is in its 29th year of performing and is a program of the LGBT Center acting as a musical ambassador to the community as a whole.

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