A Month-Long Detox Program

| May 2, 2016 | Comment Now!

By Violet Green

With summer fast approaching, I can’t help but think about spending time outside hiking with friends, attending outdoor concerts, and the upcoming days at the beach. This year, I’m trying to focus on being the healthiest I can be for my own sake, but also to keep up with my long-legged friends on hikes or to be able to paddleboard farther and longer this year. Does this time of year make you wonder how you’ll keep up or maybe how you’ll look in that swimsuit? Even though many of us in San Diego wear our suits all year, it feels like a new season to me when the summer weather finally hits and the ocean warms up a bit.

I decided to help my body by undergoing a gentle, month-long detox this spring. My plan is to eat only organic fruits (hopefully some garden fresh mulberries) and vegetables, and sustainably raised, grass-fed meats, while eliminating sugar, corn, soy, processed foods, caffeine, dairy, and grains. This will give my body some time to flush out the extra toxins and to reset my system. I plan to re-introduce a few of these categories one-at-a-time after the initial thirty-day period, so that I can monitor my body for any sensations or changes that might be signs of food sensitivity.

While I’m doing this, I’m supporting my body further by taking herbs for support. A nice detox tea can be made from a combination of the following organic herbs: yellow dock root, milk thistle seed, dandelion root, and burdock root. You can even use just a single herb if that’s all you have handy. It may not be a tasty tea, but will aid your over-taxed liver in clearing out toxins resulting in more efficient liver function. I’ve also added another daily tea that tastes great, is anti-inflammatory, and nutritive. That tea includes a combination of lemon balm, oat straw, nettle, alfalfa, holy basil/tulsi, peppermint, and red clover leaf and blossom. I love the uplifting tulsi and seeing the pretty pink clover flowers floating in my cup!

Mulberries ripening on a bush are one of many organic fruits to consume.

You can find many tea blends at your local grocery store. There are several special blends, with names such as “slim-down” or “system recharge,” that include many of these same ingredients. You can also visit a health food store and purchase separate herbs in bulk and then mix them together to make your own custom blend. Be sure to always look for organic herbs to ensure the most benefit to your body. I’m looking forward to meeting the summer-ready you (and me) in a month or two.

Category: Featured Articles, Health & Fitness

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