Human TuneUp Column by Cath

| December 2, 2018 | Comment Now!

Get out those rose-colored glasses.
The times they call for them.

Yes, Virginia there is a dim side of life.
The trick is not to succumb to it.

Could it be a matter of turning our attention elsewhere?


One of the things I do when my optimism dips?
It helps to turn my attention to “awe.”

I find too much cruising along on the surface of life,
with no deep dives into the amazingness of it all is not good
for my seeing the brighter side.

But, when I turn my attention to, oh, say, air and simply
marvel in it for a while. Ah. And then awe again by focusing
on silence. Ah. Or a memory of a kind person. Ah.

When the humans in my immediate circle are optimistic,
I find it is easier to be optimistic. I long ago freed myself
from the “too negative” and “too angry” people. Although
a touch of guilt rises over that periodically, I bat it down.

One of the anti-optimistic things my mind does that I have
to catch and adjust is this: if something is going on that is bad,
sad or makes me mad, I tend to think it is going to be that way
ongoing way into the future.

Nope. Not always.

Because, life is fluid, moves and shifts without our constant input.
Life changes.

Let us look around. Just for today, let us focus on what is working and what is being worked on. What’s right with our world, and, who we love and who loves us.

Feet-on-the-ground optimism. Real.

Cath D. Public Speaker, Author, Artist
Would welcome hearing from you:

P.S. Optimism art from above is from my uplifting
2019 Vital Signs Calendar. Available at


Category: Life Style

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