Senior Ramblings

| December 29, 2011 | Comment Now!

By C. David Kulman

Health Chat

I am home now after my stay at Scripps Mercy Hospital and the recuperative venue, The Cloisters of Mission Hills.  I definitely recommend both places for their excellent care, good food and great staff.

Mercy Hospital has wonderful staff and care. The only thing I never understand about hospitals is you’re supposed to rest, yet they keep coming around to test your blood and other activities at 5 a.m. in the morning.

As for the food, here is an example of breakfast, lunch and dinner, which I’d like to have served at home. Breakfast: French toast with diet syrup, cereal (hot or cold), fruit and juice. Lunch: Baked chicken breast with dill sauce, cornbread stuffing, chicken soup, baby spinach salad, sugar free vanilla pudding and sugar free hot chocolate.  Dinner: Broiled beef Bordelaise, mashed potato, tomato mozzarella basil salad, cream puff or sorbet.

As for the food at The Cloisters, it’s just as excellent: cheese omelets, roast turkey, baked herb fish are some of the selections.

Since I’ve been home I’ve been visited by several nurse/therapists who offer exercise treatments to regain my strength. I see them at home about twice a week. I also visit an average of one doctor per week, including my primary physician, podiatrist and cardiologist.

Fortunately, I have wonderful friends who take me to my appointments. I’m too wobbly to take the bus and I don’t drive. My main transporters are Frank and Richard, with Joe and Jim as back up. My family, whoever is left, is in New Jersey. So, I depend on my wonderful friends.

Political Chat

I’ve been watching the Republican debates on TV. I am a Democrat, always have been, and don’t expect to switch over. At my age, I remember FDR, Truman, Johnson, and the others that followed.

Ron Paul, who is really a Libertarian, is one of the few Republican candidates I like. I believe he’s too old to run. I also like the ex-Ambassador to China, and I can’t think of his name now. He has great style. Romney has a bit of style too. However, I am going to stick with our President.

Humor Chat

In the 1920s, Will Rogers was considered our greatest humorist. Here is one of his comments, “A man learns by two things. One is reading. The other is associating with smarter people.”

Here are some comments from other comedians and intellects.

“It’s not that I am afraid of dying. I just don’t want to be there when it happens,” by Woody Allen.

“The proof that we don’t understand death is that we give dead people a pillow,” by Jerry Seinfeld.

And, now, whoever your favorite humorist is, go on out and hold someone’s hand!

(C. David Kulman can be reached at Presidio Sentinel, 325 W. Washington Street, Suite 2-181, San Diego, CA 92103.)


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