Art Glass Guild Presents its Annual Fall Show

| October 5, 2015 | Comment Now!
Glass artists will display and sell their artwork during the show.

Glass artists will display and sell their artwork during the show.

The Art Glass Guild presents its 2015 Fall Patio Show and Sale from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, October 10 and 11 at 1770 Village Place, Spanish Village Art Center in Balboa Park. This show is free to the public and the largest Art Glass show in Southern California which is focused on showcasing art created by local San Diego Glass Artists.

Visitors will see more than thirty juried artists exhibiting their creations as they stroll the patio in Spanish Village. Beautiful art glass exhibiting techniques such as: blown, fused, torch, stained, cast, etched and mosaic will be on display. There will be entertainment for all including: live music, demonstrations featuring torch-work, and glass cutting, as well as an area for children and adults alike to create their own unique mosaic art piece to take home.

For more information, visit, or call (619) 702-8006.

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