Barbara Bry For Mayor
A Vision and Mission to Be The People’s Mayor, Not A Career Politician
Over the past couple of years, we have seen by action how our two mayoral candidates for the City of San Diego have acted and voted. One of them is a career politician who says he will work for San Diegans, yet his actions don’t seem to share that message. His motto should be, “I will tax and regulate you to death.” That’s because it’s what he has done and is supporting, including AB5 to hurt and kill small business owners and contractors. And, he has helped lead the way with tax increases that seem to have no cap, including the gas tax that he fully supported and that painfully continues to go up every year.
And, by the way, where is that money going? There is no transparency in government with Todd Gloria. He has a history of representing Sacramento government and special interests, not San Diegans. Here’s more to add to the list of recent tax increases that Gloria supported:
- $9 billion in tax increases
- $22 million for the state to enforce AB 5 (the anti-Independent Contractor law)
- $13 million for new, high priced salary slots at the failed High Speed Rail Authority
Barbara Bry, on the other hand, during these trying times has already prepared a “Roadmap to Recovery for San Diego.” It assesses the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the City of San Diego, its residents, its businesses and its economy and offers a path to building a more resilient economy and a better city government.
According to Bry, “This is the product of months of work by a diverse group of community and business leaders, designed to make clear what my priorities will be as Mayor – so you can hold me accountable for it!”
Here are a few priorities included in the Roadmap:
- Citywide broadband Internet access to all families and small businesses
- Developing a regional strategy to allow for an effective remote workforce
- Ensuring equitable professional opportunities across racial, gender, and age groups starting at City Hall
- Reforming the Police Department through an independent police review commission, emphasis on community policing, and transferring non-crime functions to other city staff
- Addressing homelessness by treating its root causes, including providing mental health and substance abuse treatment, job training, and transitional housing
- Promoting housing supply and affordability through local planning, converting of surplus commercial space for residential use, and enforcing the existing Municipal Code against short-term-rentals
- Making cuts to the City’s expensive, bureaucratic, and unnecessary middle management
On top of what Bry is doing now “to think critically about our circumstances and plan a path forward that will make us stronger than ever,” she was a driving force for the stadium project that will bring jobs, homes and financial health to the City of San Diego.
What also impresses me about Bry is that she can work with everyone, and has earned the respect of her colleagues and crosses party lines to get things done. Business men and women who haven’t previously engaged in local politics, young people experiencing their first campaign, Republicans and Democrats who’ve never before worked together – all united by a belief that city government needs to do better, and that it will take a problem-solver, not a politician, to make that change possible.
Clearly, we don’t need politicians to run our city. We need smart, proven business people, as Barbara Bry. She speaks from experience, and has a true commitment to represent us.
I don’t know about you, but I am tired of elected officials who say one thing and do something else. And, I am tired of elected officials who care nothing about their constituents, but only about climbing their political ladders at our expense.
Therefore, I am standing with Barbara Bry, a fellow businesswoman, who speaks the truth and isn’t afraid to stand up for us, her constituents. And, I hope you will join me.

Category: feature, Government, Local News, Politics