Bicycling in Mission Hills

| April 6, 2015 | Comment Now!
Judi Tentor rides a vintage Mixtie blue bicycle.

Judi Tentor rides a vintage Mixtie blue bicycle.

by Judi Tentor

May is Bike Month in San Diego and many of us will ride our bikes to enjoy the wind on our face and the quiet joy of non-motorized mobility. During Bike Month, there will be many events leading up to National Bike to Work Day on Friday, May 15.

One special event is happening right here in Mission Hills at Cinema Under the Stars. The Mission Hills BID is hosting a Mission Hills Free Bike-In Movie Night and Neighborhood Ride on Sunday, April 26. To learn more about this neighborhood bicycling event’s schedule, please visit

I ride almost every day as transportation. I do not own a car and prefer to get around our lovely neighborhood by bicycle. I shop, I run errands, and visit the library, all by bicycle. I think that we have given up a lot in our car-centric approach to transportation. I have visited cities that are designed to encourage bicycles and pedestrians and they are beautiful, quiet, and function well. They are cities where people of all ages and all walks of life, use their bicycles daily to get to where they need to go, generally on safe and separated facilities. There was a time in some of these cities that it was far more dangerous to bike, but these cities have made infrastructure changes to encourage more biking and walking and have gained big health and safety benefits because of those changes.

For bike riders, from beginners to experts, it is always important to remember bicycling safety rules. The AAA and NHTSA recommend these four easy steps to help keep bicyclists of all ages safe:

Wear a Properly-Fitted Bicycle Helmet
• Wear your helmet properly, level on your head and low on your forehead, no more than two finger widths above your eyebrow.
• Develop a family rule for helmet use and enforce it for every ride.
• It’s never too late to start wearing a helmet.

Always Follow the Rules of the Road
• Bicycles are considered vehicles and must abide by the same traffic laws as motorists.
• Obey all traffic signs and signal your intentions when turning or passing.
• Always ride in the same direction as traffic, keeping to the right.

Make Yourself Visible
• Wear bright colors during daylight hours.
• Wear reflective materials on clothing and/or equipment in low-light conditions.
• Use white front lights, red rear reflectors and reflective material on clothing and/or equipment when riding at night. Parents should discourage children from riding at night.

Drive Respectfully and Share the Road
• Focus exclusively on the road while driving. Distracted drivers can be deadly for bicyclists.
• Be patient and pass bicyclists only when safe to do so, leaving a 3 to 5 foot clearance between your vehicle and the bicyclist.

I ride a vintage Mixtie blue bicycle. If you see me on the road, wave and if you have a moment, let’s chat.

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