Do You Have the Oldest San Diego Water Heater?

| July 31, 2012 | Comment Now!

Powers Plumbing is looking for the oldest water heater in the San Diego area and will give the winner a new A.O.Smith tankless water heater free in an effort to highlight the potential for energy savings when upgrading this equipment. Powers Plumbing wants to find the oldest water heater in San Diego and replace it with a free tankless water heater to show homeowners how much energy savings is possible from this upgrade.

“We felt this contest was a great way to draw attention to the potential to save money by upgrading your old water heater.” said Janet O’Dea of Powers Plumbing. “Besides heating and air conditioning, the water heater is the most costly appliance in your home and there are some pretty old water heaters around town. Homeowners are wasting money by continuing to operate them.”

Your water heater doesn’t need to be an ancient relic to qualify for this contest.

According to O’Dea any water heater more than 15 years old is a prime candidate for replacement. The average life expectancy of a water heater is 13 years according to the California Energy Commission.

Homeowners in San Diego who believe they might have the oldest water heater are encouraged to complete Power’s online entry form found on their website at, or stop by the Powers Plumbing booth (#315) at the San Diego Home show on August 24-26, 2012 and fill our an entry form in person. Entries will be verified and the winner will be selected by September 17th.

For information contact Powers Plumbing at 619.295-2115 or through their website at

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