Do you know your neighbors, David and Tina Swim?

| March 7, 2023 | Comment Now!

by Ginny Ollis

David and Tina Snow reside in Mission Hills and are generous with their time by giving back to the community.

When people stop pushing, focus on achieving what is important to them, and take satisfaction from doing what matters and doing it well, they may become David and Tina Swim.  David grew up in Kansas and still speaks with charming midwestern dialect. He followed his big brother to San Diego after college, and while he had his eyes open for THE job, worked at an auto parts store. 

Tina, originally from Ohio and then Alaska (!) moved to San Diego at 19 and was hired for an office job at the same auto parts store.  There is no coincidence in life.  David saw Tina working on an inventory project, “tan, blonde, beautiful,” and captured her attention with a casual “Hey!”  You can tell the rest. 

David and a partner eventually purchased the auto parts store, grew it to a multi-site business, and 18 years later sold “World Wide Auto Parts” to a national chain.  Tina made her career as a chiropractor and worked in private practice for 25 years.  After his early retirement David when on to manage their investments while waiting for Tina to follow his lead.

They have a lot in common.  Volunteering and helping people have long been a pillar of their lives.  Tina became a believer, trainer and successful leader in therapy dog work. Her favorite working dog was Lauren, a very caring, smart and intuitive canine who liked the activity of working at the busy airport.  One day against habit and training, she kept pulling on her leash.  Tina decided to see what was causing the behavior and followed Lauren over to a lady sitting in a boarding area. Lauren sat next to the lady and looked at her. Tina asked the lady how she was, and the lady confessed that she had a four-stop flight to Florida. “Wow,” Tina remarked, ‘that is an awful lot of stop and go.” 

“Well,” the lady replied, “my father just died, and it is the only way I can get there at this time.”  Tina’s take-away was the realization that these remarkable canines sometimes sense what we humans cannot – and their instincts are worth recognizing, especially in stressful situations.

David is also a volunteer/service-oriented person.  While he invests a great deal of time and effort in maintaining their historically designated William Templeton Johnson home, he gets perhaps his greatest satisfaction from mentoring people just starting out in business and helping where his proven knowledge will make a difference. He sits on the boards of Mission Hills Heritage and St. Paul’s Lutheran Church.

David and Tina enjoy travel very much and do so, sometimes applying their help-skills while on trips, but mostly reveling in the wonderful people and interesting cultures they experience. 

Their two children are carrying on some valuable traditions.

Megan has a PhD in cardiac research, and Will is in Kansas finishing his degree in social work. 

Your first meeting with this family will not tell you of their outstanding success, because they are friendly, interested in hearing as well as talking, and very ready with helpful answers.  Although they certainly appreciate the architecture and history, their favorite thing about Mission Hills is the community.  And they show it.

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