Follow Brad Termini’s Money Trail

| March 31, 2024 | Comment Now!

Thanks to “La Prensa,” a digital and print publication that has been doing some serious investigative reporting, the money trail to developer Brad Termini is becoming more visible. In fact, there are serious headlights shining on past contributions to further Todd Gloria’s career as mayor, and for Termini to receive the lead role as developer with the Sports Arena property in the Midway area of the City of San Diego.  

Brad Termini and his wife gave over $100,000 to the election campaign for Todd Gloria in 2020.  At the same time, before being selected to rebuild the Sports Arena site, he contributed $650,000 to Measure C, to remove the 30-foot building height limit around the Midway area.

As stated by “La Prensa,” this raises serious questions about the timing of his selection by the Mayor and City Council.

What causes additional concern is that Termini is the least qualified of the developers to rebuild the site and has already begun the process of removing components of what was proposed, including affordable housing and a hotel.

And now, our City Council members are proposing that the taxpayers foot the bill for the development with an Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District (EIFD). This represents millions of public tax dollars to cover some of the Midway Rising project’s construction costs.

It appears, Termini seems to think the San Diego taxpayers are his bank for this project, and the same is true of the mayor and council members.

Category: Finance, Government, Housing, Local News, Politics

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