How to Get the Most Out of Your Workouts

| November 3, 2017 | Comment Now!

Many people who spend hours in the gym are trying to get lean and toned, but somehow it ends up being harder than anticipated. So, what does one have to do to actually tone their muscles and see some definition?

Getting a fit body requires doing a variety of exercises, including increasing your endurance and intensity, building muscle, and improving flexibility and balance. To make your body look fit, you need more muscle so it can reveal itself on your body. However, this requires more than doing a few weight lifting sessions. Many gym-goers make critical mistakes when they are trying to tone down their bodies.

Here are seven mistakes that you should avoid.

1. Working alone.
While you may want to just get started and begin adding running to your day or join a gym and play around with the machines, if you don’t know what you are doing, you probably will not achieve the results that you desire. Instead of making up your workouts as you go along, consult with a professional to learn how to work out effectively. I have five or six gears alone, but with a workout buddy or fitness pro, I can find gears seven, eight, nine and sometimes 10.

Either having a one-on-one coach or joining a boot camp or other fitness class, having a professional lead you in the right direction and keep you accountable is important when you are starting to work out. They will make sure you work harder and consistently, which will help you produce results.

2. Repeating the same workout over and over.
It is great to start out with a commitment to a certain workout program. However, doing this for too long can lead to a plateau, which will halt your progress. Your body will adjust to your exercise routine over time, so it’s important to switch it up to keep your muscles guessing and growing.

You can switch up your tempo or mix in some strength training with your cardio. Any way that you can adjust your exercises throughout the week will help you achieve results. Do your normal routine backwards. Cut the same routine up in thirds and then you have interchangeable members that offer a wide variety of options. It can be that simple.

3. Not eating enough protein.
You may be inclined to cut calories when you start a new exercise regimen, but you should actually make sure that you are getting enough protein. Your muscles use this protein to recover, repair, and grow. If you are not getting the protein that your body needs, your muscles will not be able to adapt and grow, which is not helpful when you’re trying to tone your muscles.

Try adding more healthy proteins to your diet like eggs, fish, lean meats, beans, and high-quality protein powders. Ask yourself at every meal, “Where is the protein?” This alone will go a long way in helping you dial this in. Download apps like MyFitnessPal to keep track of your protein intake throughout the day.

4. Not committing enough time.
You need to give your workouts enough time and intensity in order for them to be effective. If your workouts don’t feel challenging, then you are likely not doing enough and your body will not change. You want to finish your workout with a healthy amount of sweat and some weakness in your muscles. It also takes time to see results. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Just keep showing up, working hard and as is said …”lather, rinse, repeat.”

5. Eating too much avocado.
While avocado is known to be a popular superfood that has a lot of nutrition, it is also important to remember that they also have a lot of calories. These calories add up quickly and end up being stored as fat. The same is true of nuts…good for you, but lots of calories. Be mindful of your calorie intake while you are trying to tone your body.

6. Getting dehydrated.
Your body needs water throughout the day to function properly. If you don’t drink enough water, you will become dehydrated, which can lead to fatigue, hunger, and a slow metabolism.

Also, your muscles are not able to properly recover after a hard workout if you are not hydrated and your body cannot effectively burn fat. Try to drink at least half of your bodyweight in ounces of water each day. To make this easier, try to drink four 20-ounce bottles daily.

7. Not sleeping enough.
Working out results in small muscle tears to help strengthen your muscles and these tears need time to heal themselves. If you are constantly working out without taking a break you can get into a “recovery hole,” which will keep you from achieving the results that you are looking for. Make sure that you are getting enough sleep and rest to prepare your body for its next workout. Seven to eight hours is the number. Try shutting down sooner, decompress, turn off the lights, turn down the air and get some sleep.

Fitness Together Mission Hills offers personal training with qualified professionals by regular appointment in private suites. Exercise and nutritional programs are custom designed to fit your needs and abilities. Call 619-794-0014 for more information or to schedule a free fitness diagnostic and private training session. See what others are saying about us on Yelp.


Category: Health & Fitness, Local News

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